Utah Native Plant Society

The posts contained herein are intended to be informational, and any opinions expressed are mine alone.

Monday, April 11, 2016

The Utah Listing Preclusion Model

An American Bar Association environment and energy resources section article (author unknown) is referring to Endangered Species Act (ESA) listing avoidance tactics in Utah as the Utah Listing Preclusion Model.


Conservation Agreements and ESA Listing: the Utah Listing Preclusion Model


The approach is touted as one other states should use in certain circumstances to avoid listing under the ESA.

From the 2015 article:

"In the past five years, Utah species accounted for twenty-five percent of those where listing was precluded by an agreement. During this time period,  no state has precluded listing for more species than Utah. Recent listing preclusions in Utah provide a valuable model for other states  to consider when faced with a potential ESA listing."

Utah tactics in avoiding ESA listing using last minute and ill-conceived conservation agreements is a poor practice which, as feared, has set a very dangerous precedent.


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